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About Dagger Fleet.

Dagger Fleet is made up of many well trained men. We are quite an old fleet with many years behind us. Dagger Fleet has but one goal; to be the best ou there. And as one of the Fatal Shadows' fleets, we must strive towards that goal at all costs. Many men have put their lives ou ton the line to reach that goal. Many men here now do the very same thing. One never-changing fact: Dagger Fleet has come, Dagger Fleet has gone; Dagger Fleet will be the last sight before your death.

As you know, Dagger Fleet serves the Fatal Shaodws Clan. Our main ship in the Killex. Headed by General Talis, and Sergant Marjor White Dragon, it is an extensive vaule for the Fatal Shaodws to have Dagger Fleet within its ranks. Though we are not the only fleet in the Fatal Shadows. Our two brother Fleets Macross Fleet, and Tarrasque Fleet add to the power we create. Tarrasque fleet serve to better the Allegiance side of the Fatal Shaodws, while One part of Macross Fleet and Dagger Fleet better the Star Wars side. But these three Fleets made the Fatal Shadows a force to be recognized.