Dagger Fleet's Main Page

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Dagger Fleet


The members of Dagger Fleet thank you for comming to our site. Look around our web site as much as you like! We have nothing to hide, nothing that is execpt out GLORY!!

Dagger Fleet Exposed:

Welcome to Dagger Fleet, We serve under the Falat Shadows Clan. Our main ship is the Killex. Headed by General Talis and Sargent Major White Dragon; it is an extnesive value for the Fatal Shaodws to have Dagger Fleet within its ranks. Though we are not the only fleet in the Fatal Shadows. Our two brother Fleets Macross Fleet, and Tarrasque Fleet add to the power we create. Tarrasque fleet serve to better the Allegiance side of the Fatal Shaodws, while One part of Macross Fleet and Dagger Fleet better the Star Wars side.

If you feel you must bother the leaders of Dagger Fleet, you may do so at the contacts page.

A word of Fath:

Our loyalties lie with our comrades only. Neither Rebellion fools nor Imperial scum can sway us from each other. We live as we want; free, independant, strong. Like shadows we can appear from the very absence of light that creates space. Our attacks are lethal; our goals always accomplished. We fear no one, hate no one, and love no one. -Kelannar.

You are the 2490vistor to Dagger Fleet's web site. You should be proud.

Grand Admiral Thermal Meltdown
will allow you to E-mail him at the link below. Keep in mind, this man holds the highest posign in this origination. GIve him the respest you would your father.
E-mail GA Thermal Meltdown